Service on March 15, 2020
Holy Trinity will be meeting for worship on March 15, 2020 at 9:30 am at Trinity Christian School, with the following precautions:
- If you have a fever, or a serious cough, or are feeling ill, please stay home from worship, and call or text Fr. Jones.
- Everyone at worship should make an effort to wash their hands, and/or to use the hand sanitizer that we will provide. In addition, seek to avoid touching your face.
- We will cancel Sunday School and fellowship snacks after the service.
- All parishioners are asked to refrain from shaking hands.
- Regarding Holy Communion:
- We wipe down and wash our Communion vessels weekly.
- The clergy and altar servers wash their hands with soap and water before service.
- The Chalice Bearers wipe the Chalice with a different part of the purificator after every drink.
- If you are concerned about infection, then you can ask for intinction (the priest will dip the host in the wine, and place it on your tongue), or receive in one kind (that is, only receive the Bread, and not the Wine). One of the Chalices will be designated for intiction.
- Holy Communion is a means whereby Jesus meets us in grace—so let us come, not in fear, but in repentance and in hope in our Savior’s good intentions for us.